Intellectual Outputs
There are three intellectual outputs as Open Online Course (OOC), Open Educational Resources (OER), and Online Teacher Community (OTC) which will be produced collaboratively under a partner’s leadership.
O1: Output 1 – Open Online Course (OOC) – Leading partner HU – 8 months
An open online course will be provided to math teachers in order to teach them how to integrate ICT into learning and teaching process via a learning management system (LMS). The course will be designed and provided with the help of the partners lead by HU. Math teachers will learn ICT based teaching while they will gain experiences in this course which has innovative methods and technology-rich environment. On weekly basis videos, other learning materials, discussion topics and learning activities will be given.
The course will run for 8 weeks. The course will be grounded on three modules. Module 1 will take 2 weeks, Module 2 and Module 3 will take 3 weeks each.
Module 1 – ICT use in learning and teaching: In Module 1 teachers will understand the purpose and benefit of using ICT in the classroom. Through Module 1 teachers will be tried to be promoted a positive perception on the ICT integration into the education. This module will be designed and run by HU Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology. HU will use their strength in the field of ICT integration to set up the output. AIGB and JKU will support the development and the implementation process.
Module 2 – Using GeoGebra: Module 2 will be designed to enable teachers use GeoGebra. AIGB will lead development and implementation of the Module 2.
Module 3 – Educational material development in GeoGebra: In Module 3 teachers will learn how to develop educational materials for their students by using GeoGebra. In third module, teachers will develop learning materials and take feedback about their materials from both researchers and their peer teachers. With the experiences gained through the first and second modules, teachers will implement their materials in their classrooms. A real integration process runs through the teachers’ collaborative study on a series of examples and gets the expected results. This module will be developed and run lead by Department of Mathematics Education (JKU). When implementing this module JKU will combine their expertise in Mathematics education with the technological experience in GeoGebra. GIB and HU will support the development and implementation process.
O2: Output 2 – Open Educational Resources (OER) – Leading partner JKU – 4 months
In the scope of OOC Module 3 – Educational material development in GeoGebra, teachers will develop their respective educational materials. Materials developed by the teachers on this module will then be transferred to high quality Open Educational Resources in Output 2. All the materials will be revised by JKU on the instructional basis and by AIGB on the technical basis. HU will make suggestions from the point of instructional technology. Through the O2 process, all the materials achieved will have an examination to reach the perfect result. If needed, corrections will be carried out. The materials that have many errors will then be eliminated. At the end of the revision process, the end products will be uploaded to the GeoGebraTube.
O3: Output 3 – Online Teacher Community (OTC) – Leading partner GIB – 9 months
An online community platform will be developed for teachers. The participants of the community will be Math teachers and the researchers at HU, GIB and JKU. Moreover the teacher members of the PEKSA, AIGB, and all the teachers inside and outside the country contacted during the dissemination activities will be included on the community. Teachers on the OTC web platform will exchange ideas on how they implement the knowledge and skills gained through the OOC. In this community teachers will be encouraged to share their ICT integration experiences and they will get support individually for their professional development. Teachers will post their ICT-based lesson plans and GeoGebra materials they developed. They will get feedback from researchers from three participating organizations (HU, JKU, AIGB). Moreover on the platform teachers will have the opportunity to comment and make suggestions about other teachers’ ICT-based lessons. In line with the suggestions, teachers will make revisions before they implement their experiences. After their implementation teachers will write their reflections in OTC. There will be discussions about implementation results of the ICT-based lesson plans. Through the life of the community teachers will be able to share and exchange with the other colleagues on the platform, peer teachers will give feedback, teachers will support each other. Through the discussions on different topics, every partner will be responsible replying the questions related with their specialty. If there is an interdisciplinary question, researchers from participating organizations will discuss to find right answer too.